Charlie Munger lived nearly a century ... "I've got some advice for the young: If you've got anything you really want to do, don't wait until you're 93." Are you rich? Here’s what Americans ...
How does a warehouse club giant like Costco sustain business success? The late investor Charlie Munger had some simple advice: stick to your "knitting." Costco chairman Hamilton "Tony" James ...
Charlie Munger never cared about flashy cars or extravagant yachts. For him, wealth was about something far more valuable—freedom. At Berkshire Hathaway's (BRK.A, BRK.B) annual meeting in 2003 ...
Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett tries to quickly acknowledge and fix his mistakes at work, a lesson he learned from his ...
It's been over a year since legendary investor and Warren Buffet's best friend Charlie Munger passed away ... acquiring Nintendo back in the Wii U days. Here's an excerpt from Kotick's comments ...