New findings on how past viral respiratory infections affect future, unrelated ones could lead to therapies for boosting general antiviral immunity -- and potentially pandemic preparedness.
People who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 have a significantly lower risk of developing more severe cardiovascular conditions linked to COVID-19 infection, according to a new Swedish ...
Frequent drinking of fizzy drinks or fruit juice is associated with an increased risk of stroke, according to new findings . The research also found that drinking more than four cups of coffee per day ...
New research shows that the Vikings traveled more than 6,000 kilometers to the Arctic to hunt for walrus. DNA analyses reveal that walrus ivory from Greenland was brought to Europe and probably as far ...
As part of the global effort to harness power from fusing plasma, PPPL and the University of Seville's Plasma Science and Fusion Technology Lab worked on the computer codes, engineering and physics ...
Mount Everest is about 15 to 50 meters taller than it would otherwise be because of uplift caused by a nearby eroding river gorge, and continues to grow because of it.
A crater-rich dwarf planet named Ceres located in the main asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter was long thought to be composed of a materials mixture not dominated by water ice.
As power grids rely more on renewable energy sources like wind and solar, balancing energy supply and demand becomes more challenging. A new analysis shows how water systems, such as desalination ...
The risk of being born with a major heart defect is 36% higher in babies who were conceived after assisted reproductive technology, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), according to results of a very ...
Scientists combined innovative drone technology and boat-based surveys to map out the complex tidal flows encountered by the world's most powerful tidal turbine -- Orbital Marine Power's O2, sited in ...
A new study shows how individual brain cells in the hippocampus respond to pronouns. 'This may help us unravel how we remember what we read.' ...
Researchers have found new information about the strength of the so-called magic neutron number 50 shell closure in the silver isotope chain. The new more detailed information on the properties of the ...