More than 215 people, including 35 children, have been killed and dozens are missing after heavy rains triggered flash floods ...
The UN World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday issued an urgent call for countries to transform their care and support ...
With war ramping up across the Middle East on Wednesday, UN Secretary-General António Guterres appealed for the violence to ...
Diplomats have been highlighting Security Council resolution 1701 in official meetings and in the corridors over the busy ...
Africans and people of African descent who have encountered human rights violations by law enforcement officials never ...
The UN Secretary-General on Tuesday called for an immediate ceasefire between Israeli forces and Hezbollah militants, as ...
The UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Ukraine condemned a deadly Russian strike in Kherson on Tuesday morning and underscored ...
UN humanitarians launched a $426 million appeal for Lebanon on Tuesday to support one million people uprooted by widespread ...
艾滋病规划署重申,歧视男女同性恋、双性恋、跨性别者和性别奇异者个人的法律在现代社会中没有立足之地。这些法律会导致骚扰、歧视、暴力和社会排斥,危及结束艾滋病毒流行的努力。它呼吁格鲁吉亚当局废除这些有害的法律,因为它们将进一步孤立边缘化群体,恶化公共卫生 ...
许多死亡发生在首都加德满都,那里经历了半个多世纪以来最猛烈的降雨。数以百计的房屋、学校和医院遭到破坏,加德满都南部地区目前仍被洪水淹没。 这场从 9 月 27 日开始持续了 72 个多小时的降雨也在首都以外地区造成了广泛破坏。尼泊尔 77 ...
Le Secrétaire général de l’ONU, António Guterres, a condamné mardi  l’élargissement du conflit au Moyen-Orient et réclamé un ...
在执法工作中推进种族正义和平等的国际独立专家机制主席库恩耶希亚(Akua Kuenyehia)表示,在许多国家和地区,执法部门和刑事司法系统对非洲人和非洲人后裔的系统性种族主义依然普遍存在,相关违法行为几乎没有受到惩罚。