This hotfix addresses a number of issues identified following the launch of Season 15, while cracking down on players using methods to accelerate their progress through The Hunter’s Call much more ...
Season 15 is all about exploring the wilder side of life on the Sea of Thieves, and who better to lead the charge than The Hunter’s Call? This Trading Company, first introduced with our original ...
We’re all about giving a share of the Spotlight to some smaller creators, to help the community discover and support these hidden gems. As part of this we’d like to introduce you to another member of ...
Heed the call in Season 15, which brings a wealth of new incentives to The Hunter’s Call while introducing new wildlife both harmless and hostile. For an overview of the fierce features due to roll ...
Let Sea of Thieves carry you to new horizons and enter a world of licensed books, roleplaying games, collectibles and more. Whether you’re looking to treat yourself or grab a gift for a special ...
Set out to track dangerous new wildlife across the seas as a major expansion to The Hunter’s Call comes to shore! In a new Season focused on a wealth of wildlife, who better to lead the charge than ...
Genießt mit der laufenden Saison ganz neue Wege, Sea of Thieves zu spielen. Erhaltet Belohnungen fürs Sammeln von Berühmtheit und das Abschließen von Prüfungen – und in Saison Sechs könnt ihr an ...
Non c'è niente che un pirata di Sea of Thieves ami più di un bottino gratuito e ora, grazie a Twitch Drop, puoi ottenerne uno anche tu collegando il tuo account Twitch a quello di Sea of Thieves e ...
跟随 Sea of Thieves 前往新的领域,探索由图书、桌游、收藏品等周边构成的全新世界,且全部具有官方授权!无论您是想犒劳自己,还是想为您在现实生活中的某个捣蛋鬼朋友购买礼物,这些官方 ...
Greetings, pirates! The first full week since we launched the Sea of Thieves Anniversary Update has sailed by at speed, but we’ve spent that time going through your feedback to see what improvements ...
Es gibt nichts, was ein Pirat von Sea of Thieves mehr liebt als kostenlose Beute – und jetzt könnt ihr euch dank Twitch Drops ein wenig davon sichern, indem ihr euer Twitch-Konto mit eurem Konto von ...