CHICAGO (CBS) -- The budget watchdog group the Civic Federation warned Monday that the Chicago Public Schools' finances are in such bad shape that the State of Illinois may need to take control of the ...
There were hopeful notes at the swearing-in of 20 new board members, half of them elected. Now the hard work begins.
A new report being released today by the government watchdog Civic Federation puts Chicago Public School finances under the microscope as the district nears a fateful turning point.
The borrowing comes as the government watchdog Civic Federation describes the junk-rated school district as being at a ...
As CPS and its teachers union disagree about how much the district can afford, a new report warns of dire fiscal outlook.
While state aid has increased since 2017, helping CPS fund its general operations and pay down pension debts, it is still “underfunded relative to need,” the Civic Federation noted.
CHICAGO (WLS) -- A new report paints a dire financial picture at Chicago Public Schools. The Civic Federation says CPS is in such bad financial shape, that the state may need to take over control.
But, the Civic Federation says the new school board must right-size personnel, especially when the majority of CPS schools are under-enrolled. Ferguson says CPS spends $93,000 per student a year ...
The current seven-person Chicago school board, with members all selected by Mayor Brandon Johnson, will switch Wednesday to ...
The Chicago Teachers Union and Chicago Public Schools still have not reached a contract deal. Meanwhile, the CPS Board of Education’s publicly elected members will be sworn in this week, and the ...
CPS, the third-largest public school district in the country with more than 323,000 students, is at a critical juncture, the research organization said in its report, The Civic Foundation released ...