Not sure how you can use Glunite, Gold, Curiosity Pop Cans, or Club Supplies? Here is your guide on how every currency in ...
Mountaintop Studios announced closure due to a dwindling Spectre Divide player base, and FragPunk piled on by claiming the ...
Fragpunk is a wildly fun new tactical shooter that rebels against the genre's rulebook with great results.The Latest Tech ...
Once players get to grips with each Lancer, they'll start to recognize them as fitting roughly into standard hero-shooter ...
Mike Verdu, who was tapped as Netflix’s first head of its young video game division in 2021, has exited the streamer. Verdu ...
FragPunk is a 5v5 hero shooter that uses a unique Shard Card system to add a fun twist to the tried and true team-based ...
Though hero shooters and even traditional FPS titles often feature sliding as one of their most fundamental mechanics, ...
FragPunk has 13 Lancers and everyone has specific strengths and weaknesses. However, a few of them shine with more ...
The Lancers in FragPunk are equipped with distinct abilities that set them each apart. Whether you want to teleport around the map or act as the team healer, th ...
Fragpunk Twitch drops are here to add a new look to your weapons in the chaotic 5v5 shooter just by watching your favorite ...
The verifying identity error in FragPunk usually happens when Steam isn’t able to start up the game. Here are a few ways that ...
In many ways, FragPunk reminds me of a reverse Ship of Theseus. If every component of a game came from somewhere else, does it eventually become something original? It’s hard to say, but the result is ...