Contractor damages a water main near I-295 in San Jose, causing service disruptions and traffic detours for repairs.
A collapsed wall set back the project, now 12 years old and counting, is expected to be fully repaired this summer.
JEA said it anticipates reopening the off-ramp in the early morning hours with some asphalt work Thursday morning.
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – A man died and a woman was critically injured in a Wednesday afternoon crash on Interstate 295.
Massachusetts State Police said a tractor-trailer carrying a full load of lumber rolled over on Interstate 295 in Attleboro on Wednesday.
An excavator struck an overpass on southbound Interstate 95 at the 83-mile marker in Henrico County this morning.
The wreck occurred in Jacksonville at about 4:27 p.m. Wednesday on Interstate 295 northbound approaching the Interstate 10 ...
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — A crash on an Interstate 295 exit ramp Wednesday afternoon left a man dead and a woman with critical injuries, according to Florida Highway Patrol. FHP's crash report states ...