Scientists say they've discovered a protein that seems crucial to the onset of age-related macular degeneration (AMD ...
We know that stress can take a toll on the body, but many may not realize it can produce a rash.“Stress can increase the ...
The head of a Princeton team that mapped the brain of an adult fruit fly -- a watershed step in understanding the hu ...
As the southeastern United States begins to recover from Helene's devastation, a new study suggests the health impac ...
Olanzapine may be better than prochlorperazine for reducing refractory nausea in patients with breast cancer startin ...
Rates of preterm birth (PTB) increased between 2011 and 2022 in California across most groups, according to a study ...
For patients undergoing breast reconstruction, a 16-fraction course of hypofractionated postmastectomy radiation the ...
Screening pregnant women during their first trimester with a target ferritin concentration of >60 μg/L may identi ...
The PROVIDE model of video consultation leads to a decrease in depressive and anxiety symptoms among primary care pa ...
Higher doses of buprenorphine for patients with opioid use disorder (OUD) are associated with lower acute care utili ...
Children with medical complexity (CMC) who reside in rural areas are significantly more likely to present to hospita ...
Circulating antibodies against cancer-testis antigens (CTAgs) are found in stage I and stage II melanoma plasma samp ...